Gangbang Babes


Our server staff & moderation crew stands of the following:


They create content, help in the server growth, come up with new, interesting ideas, and assist in the Moderators coordination.


Textual moderation on the server. Their job is to keep the channels clean & friendly. Make sure everyone is feeling safe, welcomed, informed, and ensure that the rules are obeyed by everyone.

@Gangbang Guru:

Is a Community Support role. They are individuals who anyone can turn to if they are feeling down, helpless, or are in need of advice.



  • Help the server grow with new ideas & help implementing them
  • Creating content for the server (Daily questions, Emotes, Graphics, Events, etc.)
  • Ensure everything runs smoothly
  • Help organize and assist in the other moderator’s work
  • Moderation and helping in the final judgment of reported cases


  • Textual moderation on the server, keeping the channels clean and friendly
  • Making sure everyone is feeling safe, welcomed and informed
  • The rules are obeyed
  • See and handle tickets about issues
  • Timeout (Mute) problematic users

Gangbang Guru:

  • Human focused attitude
  • Commitment of helping others
  • Interests in psychology
  • Suicide & crisis hotline numbers should be always prepared

(Order of importance descends from top to bottom)

A certain level of activity, communication skill & cooperation is expected for all roles.

Moderator hiring process:

  1. If a Staff member (or higher) receives an offer, or finds a potential candidate, they should ask said member privately if they would be willing to join, and share details about the requirements & expectations. (More than 2 month activity on the server, good communication and judgmental skills)
  2. The Trainee, after receiving the Moderator role, gets assigned a mentor (experienced Moderator or Staff member) to them, who will help in the training. Introduce them to ways of professional communication, bot commands & procedures, logs.
  3. The Moderator Trainee has got a 1 week long trial period, which after their final position will be decided.


We are distincting minor and major offenses.

Minor offenses can lead to warnings, based on the present context. First one can be verbal or via a moderational bot, second offense makes a limited timed muting, and third worth a kick. If the offender comes back after the kick to break the rules a second time, it will lead to a ban.

Permanent punishment is always the last option, but in cases of clear violators and trouble makers (troll, raid attempt), can be used.


Moderators & Staff members, after 2 month of inactivity will be retired (lose their administrative role), unless given a valid reason previously. Same will apply to individuals, who act against the server rules willingly, or cause harm to the serve